Achilles Tendon Protection Supporter EX

This is the opinion of all product testers.
To test the product, we asked several people to wear the Achilles Tendon Protection Supporter EX and play kendo.

We asked the monitors to use the product multiple times during kendo practice and sports.
The fewest used it 3 times, and the most used it more than 10 times, and gave us their impressions.

 I had expected that it would be slippery.
I was expecting it to be slippery, but when I actually used it, I found that it was not slippery at all and I could practice as usual.
 I thought I would like to use them again in the future.


 I felt that I would not get tired.


 When I moved my ankle back and forth, I felt a tight feeling as if I was taping, probably because there was no hole in my heel, and I realized that my Achilles tendon was protected.


 I hadn't played golf in a long time, and I wanted to see how much of a difference it made when I used them and when I didn't.
 So I dared to use it only on my left foot. The right leg cramped up, but the left leg did not cramp up.
 I thought it was great.


 I experienced a ruptured Achilles tendon.
This supporter gave me a lot of relief when I used it.


I could feel the difference the next morning.
When I woke up and got up from bed, I felt refreshed and not tired.


It was hard to put on because of the pressure, but I felt a sense of restriction like when I was taping.


It was very hard to put on and take off because of the pressure.


This supporter is tighter than it looks, so I think it has a preventive effect.
But how about the durability of the fabric?
I would like to use it for a little longer to see how it holds up.


I felt cold when I first put them on.


It was hard to put them on because of the pressure.
However, after using it a few times, I was able to practice comfortably for the first time in a long time without having any leg cramps.
I am sure I will buy more than one of these supporters when they become available.


 I'm currently on the verge of getting a separated leg.
I noticed that my muscles did not shake when I wore the supporter, and it felt as if I was taping them.
 Since the muscles do not shake, there is less stimulation and I feel comfortable after practice.


I used it when I played tennis. I was surprised to feel my heels lifted up.

I felt a fit and pressure that I had not felt with other companies' supporters that I had been using for a long time.